Terrazzini personnel administration

Payroll processing and contributions are just the tip of the iceberg of the extensive range of activities involved in the administrative management of personnel. The services offered by Terrazzini & Partners encompass the entire management of administrative procedures related to labor, characterized by an in-depth knowledge of regulations and the high competence of our professionals, ensuring impeccable service for our clients and their employees.

We have a team of highly trained professionals, in whom we invest for continuous training and updates, ensuring reliable support even in the management of less common procedures. These services are coordinated by our Payroll Specialists, supported by the Research and Consulting Center, who serve as a point of reference for the client, for every need.

Drafting Employment Contracts

Hiring and Termination Procedures

Personnel Cost Budgeting

Management of Social Safety Nets

Digital Archiving of LUL (Unified Labor Ledger)


Below is an indicative, non-exhaustive list of services related to the administrative management of personnel:

  • Opening social security positions with INPS and INAIL registration reports;
  • Reporting workplace injuries to INAIL;
  • Managing requests for INPS fiscal visits;
  • Drafting employment letters and other documents concerning changes or termination of the employment relationship;
  • Notifications of hiring / transformation / termination to the Employment Center (UNILAV forms);
  • Wage calculations in terms of gross and net costs;
  • Analysis of personnel costs on a monthly and annual basis, by function / classification and budget preparation;
  • Submission of the disability information report;
  • Preparation of the ISTAT report on gender equality;
  • Digital archiving of the Unified Labor Ledger;
  • Managing requests for the Single Document of Social Security Compliance (DURC).

Payroll Service

These services are coordinated, with the support of the Research and Consulting Center, by the same Payroll Specialists responsible for the client, who thus become the primary contacts for any needs.