Certified Quality

Service Partner Zucchetti

The professionalism of Terrazzini & Partners’ experts is enhanced by the innovative Infinity Zucchetti technology for Payroll Processing and Personnel Management services. This advanced and highly secure tool automates processes, reducing time and complexity.

Since 2020, after completing specific training courses, we have been part of the Service Partner Zucchetti network, a nationally certified network of professionals using Infinity Zucchetti technology in both outsourced and mixed insourcing-outsourcing modes. In the latter case, clients can directly use Zucchetti software, sharing this technological platform with us to obtain advanced solutions for HR and payroll management activities.

ISO 9001:2015 Quality System

Customer satisfaction and continuous improvement of our services are our priorities. Therefore, Terrazzini & Partners has implemented a Quality System in line with the international ISO 9001:2015 standard, specifically for labor consulting, payroll processing, and HR management services. This choice ensures cutting-edge and efficient services. Our Corporate Policy aims for maximum client satisfaction and continuous performance improvement. This ongoing process is fundamental to our corporate philosophy and involves all internal and external stakeholders.

Organization, Management, and Control Model (ex Legislative Decree 231/01)

Organization, management and control model (ex Legislative Decree 231/01)

The principles, rules, and guidelines related to the organizational-operational structure, management of our company and its three locations, and reporting of our activities are included in the Organization, Management, and Control Model (ex Legislative Decree 231/01). Together with the Code of Ethics, it outlines the guidelines and principles of transparency, fairness, and professionalism that inspire our firm. In addition, Terrazzini & Partners adheres to the Organization, Management, and Control Model, a reference tool for managing sensitive activities and preventing the risk of environmental and corporate crimes as outlined in Legislative Decree No. 231 of June 8, 2001. 231.

Attorney Barbara Anzani is a member of the Supervisory Body, reporting to the General Management. For reports, clarifications, or information about our Organization, Management, and Control Model, you can write to: barbara.anzani@methaconsulting.it

More information is contained in the documents below this text.